How to find Comet NEOWISE

Comet NEOWISE can be found using the GoSkyWatch Planetarium app. This comet is rare in that it is bright enough to be viewed with the naked eye under dark sky conditions without using a telescope. As with all comets it gets brighter the closer it gets to the sun. However the proximity to the sun also makes it difficult to see with only a small window of time low on the horizon just before sunrise or just after sunset.

VIDEO UPDATE: The International Astronomical Union has now updated the comet brightness information so the step to change the comet display magnitude shown in the video is no longer needed.

Tips to using the app to find out when and where to view the comet NEOWISE:

  • In the Settings → Preferences turn Daylight on. This will help show how dark the sky will be when the comet is above the horizon for best viewing.
  • Use the finder to select NEOWISE from the list of comets. The information panel will show a time chart of where the comet will be. Use the GoTo feature to move to the comet in the sky view. The display will lock onto the comet. Using the time control you can see how the comet moves across the sky to help determine when and where the comet will be visible.
  • Point the back of your iPhone or iPad to the sky and the arrow will guide you to the comet.